Bond & Glazing
Agent Super Plasticizer
Bond & Glazing is high quality high range concrete superplasticizer for precast industry. On addition to concrete it disperses the cement particles, by which it enhances the workability by many folds and gives good retardation.
- Strong water reduction, resulting in high density, high strength and reduced permeability
- High efficiency even at low dosage rates
- Extended workability with subsequent strength development

Bond Max
Concrete Admixture
Bond Max is a hardening agent admixture formulated to provide accelerated setting during low ambient temperatures whilst increasing early and final strengths of concrete.
- Accelerated setting time
- Increases early and latter age compressive strengths
- Denser & less permeable concrete
- Early form removal or early use of concrete
- Bleed reduction due to the greatly improved setting times
Concrete Guard
Super Dispersant Admixture
Concrete Guard super dispersant admixture is a new generation superplasticizer designed to produce wide range of concrete mixes from conventional to self-consolidating concrete.
- Increase early and ultimate compressive strength with normal setting
- Produces concrete with high levels of workability without segregation
- Excellent concrete durability and rheology

Bond + Ultra
Fast Setting Admixture
Bond + Ultra fast setting admixture is a hardening accelerator that increases the early strength of fly ash bricks without affecting the initial workability and final strength.
- Rapid set time
- Low shrinkage
- Good adhesion
- High early compressive strength
Super Seal
Waterproofing Membrane
Super Seal is a single component, cold applied, elastomeric waterproofing coating for concrete. Develops excellent bond to most building materials.
- Single component - ready to use
- UV resistant and resistant to yellowing and weathering
- Highly elastic and crack-bridging
- Easily recoated when needed

Super Bond
Super Dispersant Admixture
Super Bond duper dispersant admixture is plasticizing hardening fly ash brich admixture that increases the early strength and reduce water consumption by more then 13% of fly ash bricks.
- Rapid set time
- Low shrinkage
- Extended workability with subsequent strength development
- Good adhesion
- High early compressive strength.
Bond Plus
Concrete Admixture
Bond plus is a ready to use, liquid accelerator admixture. It accelerates initial setting time one to three times faster than normal concrete.
- Aids in strength development.
- Accelerates initial set time one to three times faster than noraml concrete.
- Speed up hydration of cement.
- Increases workability of concrete in colder temperatures.

Concrete Guard LW300
Waterproofing Concrete Admixture
Concrete guard LW 300 is an integral liquid waterproofing compound composed of surface-active plasticizing agents, polymers & additives.
- Make concrete more cohesive, hence protects steel better against corrosion.
- Reduces shrinkage crack development in plaster & concrete.
- Improves workability of freshly mixed cement concrete.
- Self-curing resulting in elimination of water curing.
Clear Coat
Water Repellent Agent
Clear Coat is coating material, also known as acrylic polymer and is widely available commonly chosen as a substitute for water repellent on concrete surface. clear coat is a high gloss clear fast drying, flexible, protective and insulating coating designed to protect concrete substrates from atmospheric corrosion, dust and other common contaminants.
- Quick drying, glossy, clear/transparent & flexible coating.
- Provides insulation film on surfaces to which applied.
- Provieds long term protection.
- Free from ozone depleting substance.

De-Moulding Agent
Mould Conditioner Agent
De-Moulding Agent is an oil based component of low viscosity which is free from suspended matter of sediments. It from a smooth, sliding film at the interface of concrete mould and ensure quick, clean release of hardened concrete.
- It has self mould cleaning propery.
- Costs less and very economical for use.
- Nontoxic and Nonhazardous.
- Give non-staining resistance to concrete.